Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Pumpkin Soap, Part II

Second attempt at pumpkin soap that actually looks like pumpkin or pumpkin pie. After my previous attempt I just had to try again. This time I omitted the bentonite clay (substituted for kaolin clay) and did not add titanium dioxide to the lye water since that was the problem last time... I used kaolin clay because I feel it gives the pigments a blank palette and makes them truer. I haven't had it alter colors at all, besides making whites whiter.
I went for a simpler pumpkin pie look so I colored all of the soap with copper and bronze micas except for a a very small amount I made white. I used the white soap on the top sort of like whipped cream. I dusted the top with bronze mica (instead of copper like last time) and made little bakery-inspired swirls on the top.

I used the same recipe as last time and did include the egg again for fun.

The chunky pieces of pumpkin smoothed out when I stick blended the mixture to chop them up.

his time I strained the egg into the oils instead of having to possibly strain the whole mixture after. It worked well.

Some of the egg congealed or dried to the side of the dish. It was caught in the strainer before making it into the oil mixture.

Progression of adding the white top, sprinkling with bronze mica (looks like cinnamon!) and swirling little swirls with a toothpick. It looks much like the albino version from the top.

From this vantage point you can see the thin white top and the darker cooked pumpkin colored base.

Ok, this is how a pumpkin soap should look! Yay! It smells delicious. Really, I think Wholesale Supplies nailed this fragrance. It smells like a buttery, spicy rich dessert. Luckily now it LOOKS like that too. You can see the swirly cream & cinnamon (not really cinnamon) dusted top. Bronze mica was a better choice than copper mica for the top.

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