Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Sparkling Ginger Soap

SOAP!!! I got the urge to make some. One of Nate's favorite soap fragrances is Bramble Berry's Ginger Ale. I had a decent amount of this unused and it's just so fresh and wonderful. I love it too.
I used a color combination I've used once before (pre-blog) of three neons. But that time I did a column pour and used Bramble Berry's Sweet Meyer Lemon. I might be one of the few who didn't super love this fragrance. It was nice but had a slight burned odor to me. I still have some left, perhaps I'll spike it with Litsea essential oil to amp up the fruity citrus! Here is my firs column pour with these colors:

This time I used a loaf mold and did a sort of modified faux funnel where I poured the colors in a line down the center of the mold.

The top was looking a little silly with just a line of pink down it, so I took a skewar to it and did a couple little swirls!

One more with a flash.

And cut! The inside is even better than I hoped for. I feel totally energized to start soaping again like crazy. One thing I feel differently about is the recipe. I used to feel very gung ho about fancy oils and butters and milk/silk/etc. Some of the most favorite soaps I've made have been the least fancy. Most of the friends and family these go to care more about how they smell and suds up than what exotic oil the soap is made from. I still really like adding kaolin clay because my colors are nicer with it, and I'll try to use up all the cool stuff I already have, but I won't be stocking up on anymore extras.

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