Friday, February 8, 2019

Jammy Egg To-Go

Eggs forever!! I always prefer a soft and runny egg yolk over a hard dry one. Hard boiled eggs are definitely the most portable for bringing to work, but sometimes I want something more warm and breakfast-y. Ok always I want that with eggs. I just discovered this process the other day and it is a revelation. You can make a soft boiled egg, bring it to work, put it in hot water for 5 minutes and it’s a warm real feeling breakfast.
So how is a jammy egg different than a soft boiled egg? A jammy egg has the yolk consistency of soft jam vs. a soft boiled egg with a runny liquid yolk. Really it’s just a stop between soft and hard boiled. It’s easier to peel and eat without at egg cup. Making it a good choice “to-go”.
To make a Jammy egg at Denver altitude boil water, add eggs straight from the fridge and cook for 8.5 minutes. Remove and submerge in ice water. Chill in the fridge just like a hard boiled egg. They are a little less sturdy since the inside is softer, so don’t treat them as roughly in your lunch bag. At work, fill a mug with really hot water, as hot as you can get shy of boiling. Pop the egg in for 5 minutes. Shell, half and enjoy!


1 large egg

1. Boil water in medium pot.

2. Add egg straight from the fridge, boil for 8 1/2 minutes.

3. Remove egg to ice bath. Store until ready to eat.

4. Warm in very hot water for 5 minutes. Shell, slice and enjoy.

For to go, heat in a mug of very hot water.

Good for more than just breakfast! Add this style egg to ramen noodles.

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